English For Teenagers

This English program is designed for middle and high-school students and focuses on developing the 4 basic skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, this program also helps students to continue developing and perfecting their soft skills through task-based and project-based learning activities. Additionally, at this stage students gradually get acquainted with the Academic English program. This prepares them for the IELTS exams which will be used to apply to international high schools and universities, as well as for studying abroad.

Why Temasek Education
Educational philosophy

The educational philosophy at Tedu is to create an appropriate environment in order to encourage students to enjoy and actively participate in the learning activities in language, math, and science. Teachers encourage critical thinking and logical concepts amongst their students. Teachers are the ones who inspire, guide, interact and collaborate with students to help them gain confidence in learning, use English and apply the knowledge that they have learned from Tedu in real-life situations

Council of scholars

Tedu’s Council of scholars is gathered by the leading UK, Singapore academics and educational experts. Our Council of academic members have many years of experience in teaching and researching methods of active teaching at The UK and Singapore Ministry of Education and other prestigious training organizations around the world such as Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore (One of the best leading universities in the world).

Excellent teachers

In order for the educational philosophy and CTBL method to be effectively taught, only certified, native English-speaking teachers who have international experience in teaching will have the privilege of joining the team.

The Academic Council also regularly organizes programs that involve teachers’ training, to keep its educators up to date with the latest teaching methods and the suitable educational skills for Vietnamese students.

Outcome Commitment

With a long-term commitment to accompany Vietnamese students, we are confident about the quality of English teaching at Tedu. Students will be able to retrain for free if they do not pass the final exam. Provided that students reach the mark of diligence according to requirement, have a good attitude of study and participate in the tests on time.

English Pathway
Global Leader
From 17 year old
Exam Leader
IELTS program
Super Leader
From 11 - 16 year old
Robust Leader
From 6 - 11 year old
Eager Leader
From 3-6 year old
Program for students from 12-14 years old

This program helps students improve their English skills through task-based or project-based learning activities. Students will learn how to introduce themselves and improve their general English communication skills. There is a focus on age-related topics, as well as improving grammar, vocabulary and learning how to use these skills naturally. The program also improves students’ ability to use English based on a variety of topics from real life, academia or specific subjects.

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Program for students from 14-16 years old

This program prepares students for academic English exams such as IELTS and puts them on track to gain entry to an international university.

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